
queer game jam
21-25 august 2023
queer game jam is a week-long workshop with french artist chloé desmoineaux initiated by aerial, in collaboration with BEK - Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst. the workshop will be based around the themes of technofeminism and queer video-gaming. we will start by drawing from chloe’s fanzines and resources from various cyberfeminist networks from spain, france and belgium. afterwards we will be initiating a game jam around speculative storytelling, inspired by historical accounts, norwegian queer narratives and personal narratives. there will be simple tools at our disposal, including fantasy consoles! these are easy for the uninitiated but are no less interesting for people at ease with game development. towards the end of the workshop, we will build an itinerant arcade terminal, using building facades as a game screen.
more about chloé desmoineaux...
interested in tactical media, hacking culture, and cyberfeminism, chloé desmoineaux creates media experiments through performances, installations, and hijacked video games. she is particularly concerned about the place given to women as well as dissident and “minoritised” people in the video game industry and she is dedicated to create spaces of visibility and reflection to discuss these issues. she is a member of the freesson collective which focuses on supporting creative practices and electronic music. It also organizes events and workshops on digital art and culture. co-organizer of the art games demos (2017-2019) initiative with isabelle arvers, desmoineaux has curated several exhibitions about the culture, aesthetics and ideology of gaming in the past decade. her work has been exhibited internationally. she led several workshops on alternative controllers, glitch aesthetics, interactive animations, and video games. desmoineaux also lives and works as a teacher in marseille.
monday 21 aug 10:00-16:00
tuesday 22 aug 10:00-16:00
wednesday 23 aug 10:00-16:00
thursday 24 aug 10:00-16:00
friday 25 aug 10:00-16:00
the workshop is free, designed for queer people over 18 and will be hosted in english. no previous experience of gaming or building consoles is needed. a simple lunch will be provided, however you are also welcome to bring your own food. if you can only make it for some of the days, please let us know when emailing: aerialbergen@gmail.com
thank you to BEK - bergen senter for elektronisk kunst, bergen kommune and kulturdirektoratet for your generous support.