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[image of part of the tear score, a pink wobbly line and some round circular shapes]

the tear score
saturday 29. october 2022

listening session of the tear score + conversation with composer tobias kvendseth and artist and initiator of the project spending time with tears, stacy brafield. 

we will lay out our comfy wool rugs across the floors at aerial and invite you to join us in listening to the new sound work the tear score, composed by tobias kvendseth and drawn by anja hegen and stacy brafield. after the listening session some warm food will be served as we transition into a conversation between tobias and stacy. 

more about tobias kvendseth:
tobias is a bergen based artist currently in the last year of his MA at KMD. merging sculpture and experimental pop music he explores modes and methods through which to communicate mental states and emotional fantasies.

more about stacy brafield:
stacy is an bergen based artist and co-founder of aerial. her practice explores human relations and forms of everyday interaction in society. influenced by the rhythms and values of everyday life, her motivation is to reflect these back to society in a poetic way. exploring the realities that often go unnoticed in public space, her work provides a space for the overlooked to be seen.

[carousel of images of the event. people sitting on the floor, listening, eating food and talking]