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[image of open notebook with text and a pen placed on top]

You´re So Vain

sunday 14 may
sunday 21 may
sunday 28 may

10:00 - 12:00

You’re So Vain is an auto-theory reading and writing breakfast club, who will meet three times in may to informally discuss readings and write together.

auto-theory is a mode of writing rooted in intersectional feminist practices, that integrates the self with theory, often in ways that are direct, performative or self-aware.

as a practice popularised by those who identify as women, queer and/or black, indigenous and people of colour, auto-theory poses a challenge to patriarchal and colonial forms of knowledge production by situating one’s subjectivity and lived experiences within the framework of theory - and expanding what constitutes theory itself.

often it has been critiqued as narcissistic or self-indulgent.

this group seeks to question when life-writing is an act of vanity, a tool of empowerment, or how both can exist at once.

what will happen:
- the group will informally discuss readings that will be circulated before each session.
- there will be writing prompts and time for writing, but there is no pressure to share.
- there will be breakfast.
- the working language is english, however you may write in whatever language you feel comfortable with.

who is it for?
- artists, curators, creative practitioners who view writing as an important part of their studio practice or daily life.
- no formal experience required.

if you would like to participate:

- please email releftheriotis@gmail.com by 8 may at midday.
- as there are limited spaces, please state your availability.
- priority will be given to those who can attend all 3 sessions.
- there a sign-up fee which goes towards breakfast & hospitality costs.
- this is on a sliding scale, from 0 - 400kr for all 3 sessions.
- state any access requirements you may have, such as child-care or travel costs. we will try our best to accommodate them.